When can baby movements be felt?

The clearest example of communication between mothers counting down the days until they are reunited with their babies, with their babies during pregnancy, is sensing the movements of their babies in the womb. The first kick of her little baby is one of the unforgettable moments for the mother-to-be.

In addition to the emotional significance of kicking the fetus in the womb, it also provides information about the health of babies growing in the womb.

So, what are the reasons for little puppies kicking in their mother’s tummy? When do mothers start to feel these movements? What does a reduction in the number of steps mean?

When do expectant mothers start to feel kicks?

From the 7th week of pregnancy your little baby starts to move. However, you will begin to feel these movements around the 4th month of your pregnancy on average. moving, yawning, hiccupping, twisting your child’s hands and arms while moving around in your womb; These are called tiny kicks. In fact, not every movement you feel is a kick.

What are the main causes of baby kicking in the womb?

  • Development of the fetus in the womb

During pregnancy, your little baby develops every day by being nourished by the mother-to-be’s body. These developments cause the fetus to move and feel more as it grows.

  • Communication of the fetus with the outside world

There’s nothing your baby won’t hear or respond to during pregnancy. Your little baby, even in the womb hear, feel and react. This is why it is so important to communicate with your baby during pregnancy, to talk to him and to make him feel that you love him.

It is well known that babies begin to hear the outside world, especially from the 20th week of pregnancy. Therefore you should be very careful with your language and your statements, especially after the 20th week of pregnancy.

  • Foods to be eaten by the expectant mother

In later stages of pregnancy, like everyone else, even the little ones in the womb have one the taste begins to form. Depending on whether the mother likes the food or not, your little one can become active. Therefore, the food you eat is another factor that can affect the baby’s energy.

  • Increased blood flow

Also, the blood flow in the expectant mother’s body is directly related to the blood flow in the fetus. Therefore, in any situation that increases the mother’s blood flow, the baby’s movements and kicks will increase. For example, the lying position of the mother can be given as an example.

People who lie on their back have slower blood flow hence the baby becomes less energetic. However, especially mothers who lie on the left side will find that their babies are more active as blood flow increases.

Does every mother-to-be feel her baby’s kicks with the same intensity and frequency?

There are many different factors that affect the expectant mother’s ability to feel her little one’s footsteps. Not every expectant mother feels the kicks of her little baby at the same week of pregnancy and with the same intensity. Some of the factors that affect your pup’s mobility and how you feel those movements are:

first the mother’s weight It is an important factor that the little puppies feel their movements early and more intensely. Underweight mothers feel the baby movements earlier and more frequently than overweight mothers.

  • Foods consumed by the mother

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article food consumed your puppy It influences his actions depending on whether he likes it or not.

Also, the activity status of the expectant mother during the day directly affects the energy of the fetus. Since activity during the day causes the baby to shake and sleep,”Do babies sleep in the womb?We talked about this in our article. For this reason, we can say that expectant mothers who are very active during the day will feel less of the kicks of their little baby.


When can baby movements be felt?

What should you do if you want your baby’s mobility to increase?

The energetic presence of your offspring, which you raised in your womb during pregnancy, is also an indication of their health. For this reason, you may want to feel your baby’s movements more clearly and intensely, to be sure of his health and to relax you.


  • you can eat
  • You can increase your consumption of liquid and sugary foods.
  • During the day you can go for short walks.
  • You can awaken the fetus and move it by gradually pressing on your tummy.
  • Especially after the 20th week you will be able to talk to your baby as he will start to perceive external sounds.
  • you can rest Lying on the left side will stimulate your little one, especially between 9:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.

How long is it normal for your baby to lie still?

Babies are very energetic between the 16th and 36th week of pregnancy and the expectant mother feels these movements regularly. To check your little puppy’s health, you should monitor his movements.

Especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy, you can watch your baby’s movements and try to wake him up if he has been stagnant for a long time. To keep your baby moving, see our article “What should you do if you want your baby’s mobility to increase?You can try our suggestions in the section.

Between weeks 16 and 36, your baby should move an average of 10 times in 2 hours. After the 36th week, the fetus no longer has enough space to rotate and move freely because it has overdeveloped. For this reason, it is considered normal to have a decrease in kicks after the 36th week.

Every baby is different. Because of this, you can best know your own baby’s mobility status. If you feel a decrease in continuity and number of kicks that fit a specific pattern, you should contact your nearest health care facility and contact your doctor.

What does it mean when the fetus is mobile in the womb?

Babies who are overactive in the womb are believed to be energetic and mischievous after birth. This however It is not a scientifically proven fact, just a guess. Much of what determines fetal movement levels in the womb is are external factors.

External stimuli stimulate the baby to act. For this reason, it would be an illusion to think that babies who are energetic during pregnancy will be the same after birth.

During pregnancy Factors such as communication between mother and baby, mother’s stress level, the foods she eats, how she spends the day, It is effective in building your little puppy’s personality. Because of this, the communication you establish with your little baby during pregnancy is very important.

A stress-free and peaceful pregnancy period contributes to your health and that of your baby, as well as the healthy growth of your offspring.

First of all, we know that you are thinking about the health and happiness of the soul contained in your life. For this reason, it is quite normal to be worried and to ask questions when moving house. Especially when you are having your first pregnancy, the more you experience, the more anxiety and fear you may feel.

From the 4th month of pregnancy kicking you in the stomach is part of the natural process. Why do babies kick in the womb? If we need to summarize the answer to the question; Your growing and developing pup is trying to communicate with the outside world.

In addition, it can react to the foods eaten by the expectant mother. Your healthy developing baby “I’m fine, don’t worry about me!” It can also be interpreted as a species.

If you feel unwell or have the feeling that something is wrong, you should contact your doctor immediately. Because the question marks in your head shouldn’t cause you any stress. Remember, the most important thing to take care of during pregnancy is to stay away from stress.


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