What vitamins and minerals are necessary during pregnancy?

We have explained in our article which vitamins and minerals support the development and growth of your baby during pregnancy, what food sources you can get these vitamins and minerals from, how much vitamins and minerals should be used daily and at what times these vitamins and Minerals support your baby’s development.

What vitamins should be taken during pregnancy?


Daily Amount: 700 mg (800 mg for adolescents)

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: Strong teeth and bones, healthy nerves, heart and muscles. It also regulates heart rhythm and blood pressure.

Food Sources:

    • 200ml milk (240mg)


    • 200 ml fortified soy milk (180 mg)


    • 150 g yoghurt (210 mg)


    • 4 dried figs (200mg)



Daily Amount:

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: It regulates blood sugar levels and supports tissue development.

Food Sources:

    • 100 g grilled skinless chicken (22 mcg)


    • 1 slice whole grain bread (16mcg)



Daily Amount: 1.2mg

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: It helps in the formation of the heart, bones, nervous system, arteries and blood vessels.

Food Sources:

    • 80 g cooked green lentils (0.3 mg)


    • 20 g pure cashew nuts (0.2 mg)


    • 1 mango (0.18mg)


folic acid

Folic acid for pregnant women

Daily Amount: 300 micrograms (mcg). 400 mcg dietary supplement pre-conception and for the first trimester of pregnancy.

Need extra reinforcement?: Yes

Benefits for your baby: It helps close the tube that houses the central nervous system. It also helps normalize brain functions.

Food Sources:

    • 90 g Brussels sprouts (99 mcg)


    • 45 g bran flakes (166 mcg)


    • 2 slices grain bread (64mcg)


    • 2 fresh broccoli (58mcg)


    • 1 large orange (65 mcg)


Recommendation: Healthy snacks for pregnant women Snack recommendations for pregnant women


Daily Amount: 140 mcg

Need extra reinforcement?: no

Benefits for your baby: Regulates metabolism and supports the development of the nervous system

Food Sources:

    • iodized table salt


    • fish


    • seaweed


    • milk


    • Dairy products



Daily Amount: 14.8mg

Need extra reinforcement?: Yes, if prescribed by a doctor.

Benefits for your baby: It forms red blood cells, provides cells with oxygen for energy and growth, and builds bones and teeth.

Food Sources:

    • 100 g roast beef (2.4 mg)


    • 3 tablespoons cooked chickpeas (1.5 mg)


    • 100 g cooked spring greens (1.4 mg)


    • 45 g bran flakes (12.1 mg)


    • 200 g dried beans (2.9 mg)



Daily Amount: 270mg

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: It helps build strong bones and teeth, regulates insulin and blood sugar levels. Builds and repairs tissue.

Food Sources:

    • 7 Brazil nuts (96 mg)


    • 100 g spinach (54 mg)


    • 100 g okra (71 mg)


    • 180 g cooked brown rice (77 mg)



Daily Amount:

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: It supports bone and pancreas development as well as the processing of fats and carbohydrates.

Food Sources:

    • 7 pecans (2.4 mg)


    • 160 g pulp (0.74 mg)


    • 60 g cooked black beans (0.3 mg)


Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

Daily Amount:

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: It regulates stress hormones, antibodies and growth. It supports the protein and fat metabolism.

Food Sources:

    • 1 medium-boiled egg (1.7 mg)


    • Half a medium avocado (0.8 mg)


    • 200 ml semi-skimmed milk (1.6 mg)



Daily Amount: 550mg

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: It builds strong bones and teeth, regulates blood clotting and a normal heart rhythm.

Food Sources:

    • 100 g canned salmon on the bone (290 mg)


    • 60 g cooked kidney beans (90 mg)


    • 200 ml semi-skimmed milk (188 mg)


    • 60 g hummus (96 mcg)



Potassium vitamins and minerals necessary for pregnant women

Daily Amount: 3.5g

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: It supports muscle activity and contractions, metabolism and nerve function.

Food Sources:

    • 1 medium baked potato (122 mg)


    • 200ml grapefruit juice (200mg)


    • 30 g raisins (306 mg)


    • 1 medium banana (400 mg)



Daily Amount: 1.4mg

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: It supports growth, good vision and healthy skin. It is necessary for bone, muscle and nerve development.

Food Sources:

    • 150 ml yoghurt (0.3 mg)


    • 100 g fillet (0.4 mg)


    • 50 g mushrooms (0.2 mg)


    • 50 g semi-skimmed cheddar (0.3 mg)


Thiamine (vitamin B1)

Daily Amount: 900 mcg

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: Converts carbohydrates into energy. It is necessary for brain development. It also supports the development of the heart and nervous system.

Food Sources:

    • 100 g turkey breast (2.4 mg)


    • 45 g fortified breakfast cereal (0.47 mg)


    • 1 naan bread (0.4 mg)


Vitamin A (beta-carotene)

Daily Amount: 700 mcg

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: Cell development, eye development, healthy skin and mucous membranes, resistance to infection, bone growth, lipid metabolism and red blood cell production.

Food Sources:

    • 1 baked sweet potato (6682 mcg)


    • 1 raw carrot (8351 mcg)


    • 150 g honeydew melon (2647 mcg)


    • Half a mango (772 mcg)


Vitamin B6 (Pyroxidine)

Daily Amount: 1.2mg

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: It supports the protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It helps form new red blood cells and improves the brain and nervous system.

Food Sources:

    • 1 medium banana (0.3 mg)


    • 1 medium baked potato (1 mg)


    • 100 g canned tuna (0.5 mg)


    • 100 g chicken breast (0.5 mg)


C vitamin

Essential vitamins and minerals for pregnant women, vitamin C

Daily Amount: 50mg

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: Tissue repair and collagen production. It supports growth and strengthens bones and teeth.

Food Sources:

    • 160 ml orange juice (62 mg)


    • 100 g strawberries (77 mg)


    • 2 broccoli (40 mg)


    • 2 tomatoes (30mg)


Vitamin D

Daily Amount: 10 mcg

Do you need additional treatment?: Yes

Benefits for your baby: Helps build bones and teeth

Food Sources:

    • 100 g salmon steak (8.7 mcg)


    • 1 boiled egg (0.9 mcg)


    • 2 teaspoons (10 g) margarine (0.8 mcg)



Daily Amount: 7mg

Do you need additional treatment?: no

Benefits for your baby: Helps build organs, skeleton, nerves and circulatory system.

Food Sources:

    • 2 thick slices of beef or lamb (5 mg)


    • 16 g sunflower seeds (0.8 mg)


    • 100 g canned sardines (2.3 mg)


Our previous post What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? PCOS Diagnosis and Treatment in our article pcos ve polycystic ovary syndrome information about.

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