What is Artificial Pain? At What Week Is Artificial Pain Given?


Even though most of the pregnancies occur without any problems and troubles, sometimes small medical interventions are required for the health of the mother and baby. Artificial pain is one of the most frequently heard interventions with pregnancy. In the question of what artificial pain is and when it is used, we can answer as follows: Artificial pain is used to initiate labor or to support it during delivery after the onset of labor. Although artificial pain is used in one of the 3 patients during the birth process, it is preferred in one of ten patients to start the birth.

What is Artificial Pain?

When you say what is artificial pain, some expectant mothers think that they will connect to a device and give pain from there. However, this is not the case. Medicine is used for artificial pain. The medicine used for artificial pain is actually an artificial form of the oxytocin hormone produced by the pituitary gland naturally found in us. It is given intravenously. In general, it is preferred to be injected into the serum in expectant mothers. ~ 153~

Apart from those given intravenously, prastaglandin-impregnated strips can be used or pills specially produced for this purpose can be preferred. There are other ways to induce pain besides medication. When performing a palpation, the cervix is ​​manually expanded and the placenta is gently scraped from the inner surface of the uterus with the fingertips.

In What Week Is Artificial Pain Given?

Artificial pain is not applied to everyone in the same week. Beforehand, the expectant mother goes through a checkup and if she needs it, the obstetrician can apply it. The situations in which artificial pain should be done and the situations that should not be done should be evaluated. All possibilities should be discussed and profit/loss calculation should be made. All tests should be reviewed. Artificial pain should be applied with the appropriate method and at the appropriate time. In some diseases, it is applied at 37 weeks and later in the early period, while in others it is applied at 41 weeks due to a delay. Waiting for pregnancy can be risky for the mother in some cases.

In diseases of hypertension and preeclampsia, delivery is started at 37 weeks, and in more severe diseases, the pregnancy process is completed regardless of the week. Pregnancy is terminated with artificial pain in severe diseases occurring in vital organs that do not respond to medical treatment. If the amniotic fluid has decreased, if the mother’s belly has stopped growing, if the baby will be in danger inside, pregnancy can be started at the request of the doctor.

In some non-illness conditions, pregnancies can be started early. If the pregnant woman’s water has come, but no pain has started within 24 hours, artificial pain is used. If the pregnancy exceeds 41 weeks, if she has diabetes, artificial labor can be used before the expected time. Since the rate of losing the baby has increased in diabetic patients in the last weeks, such a method is preferred. If the baby is lost in the abdomen during pregnancy, it is used to start the birth as soon as possible.

Artificial Pain Is Not Used In These Situations

  •  If the baby is standing in the mother’s womb in a side position
  • If there is a history of incision in the womb as in cesarean section or similar surgeries
  • If the pregnant woman has genital herpes at the time of delivery
  • If there is a situation in the mother’s womb that will prevent the baby from coming out after an accident or illness
  • Artificial labor is not preferred in cases where normal delivery is risky.

The application of artificial pain is also used outside of initiating labor. Unexpected problems may occur in some births. The cervix opens approximately 1 cm every 30-60 minutes. If it does not open as expected, artificial pain is applied to support the contractions. In some cases, it can reduce pain and contractions due to the feeling of comfort in the anesthesia taken. In these cases, artificial pain is applied.

To Whom Is Artificial Pain Made?

Mothers are evaluated before it is determined to whom artificial pain is applied. Vaginal examination is done by the doctor. If there is a significant pelvic incompatibility, artificial pain is abandoned. Pelvic incompatibility increases the likelihood of head and shoulders entrapment. Artificial pain is not applied as it may cause problems in birth. Attention is paid to parameters such as the angle of the mother’s womb, its opening, softening, and deletion. The level of the head and where it is is also important. In which cases the artificial pain we have written above cannot be applied, the items in the section are examined. As a result of these parameters, a value called the Bishop score is found. The higher this value, the higher the probability of artificial pain. Prostaglandin-impregnated strips are applied to the vagina to soften the cervix before artificial labor. This procedure is done 1 day before giving artificial pain. When the desired result is achieved, artificial labor is started and delivery is started.

As with any medical treatment, there are risks. The most common problem is the hard and frequent contraction of the uterus. The more he contracts, the less blood that goes out to his baby. The baby’s pulse and oxygen status will be constantly checked by the delivery team. If there is an adverse situation, emergency cesarean section is performed. However, do not forget that artificial pain is applied to risky groups. Even if artificial pain was not applied, there was a possibility of cesarean section. This way you can relax yourself. We have come to the end of our article on what is artificial pain, relax about this, your obstetrician and gynecology nurses will give you the confidence and support you need.

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