What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy?


Heartburn, one of the most common health problems faced by expectant mothers during pregnancy, can be prevented. What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy? What to do to prevent heartburn during pregnancy? What foods trigger heartburn?

In this article, where we answer all these questions for you, we have detailed the points that relieve stomach problems that may arise during pregnancy. We wish you good reading;

What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy?

Heartburn and heartburn during pregnancy are among the most common ailments of expectant mothers. The main reason for this is the physical and hormonal changes that the mother-to-be experiences during this time. With the onset of pregnancy, the rising hormone progesterone in expectant mothers slows down digestion in the metabolism. This causes heartburn and heartburn.

It is natural for this situation to occur due to the baby’s growth in the womb, organs and the baby’s pressure from the womb to the stomach.


What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy?

To prevent heartburn and heartburn during pregnancy, certain foods should be avoided as much as possible. Because these have heartburn and heartburn-triggering properties, people who experience issues like heartburn outside of pregnancy may be sensitive to such foods.

These foods are not included in the diet of people who have stomach problems when not pregnant or during pregnancy. By increasing stomach acid, it triggers heartburn and burning problems in the stomach. These;

  • Raw tomatoes
  • The skin of the tomato
  • Raw Garlic, Onion, Spring Onion, Raw Leek
  • All acidic drinks
  • Especially the sorbet desserts made with corn syrup.
  • Chocolate, ice cream, chips, hot snacks, packaged products containing trans fats.
  • Cucumbers, Cucumber Juice, Pomegranate Syrup
  • All citrus fruits like pomegranate, orange, tangerine, grapefruit.
  • Tomatoes and greasy dishes with tomato paste.

Stress feeds stomach problems!

In addition to the food consumed, changing pregnancy hormones and physical changes, it is emotions that trigger heartburn or heartburn. The stress experienced can occur with stomach problems both during and after pregnancy.

In order not to experience stress in every moment of life, we should see the quality of life and the difference in the perspective of the world and learn not to worry about all the problems. It is important for these to receive the necessary psychological support from specialist doctors, especially during pregnancy, in order to have a quality pregnancy and ensure that the baby is born in physical and mental health.


What helps against heartburn during pregnancy?

It is possible to prevent heartburn with some dietary supplements and precautions during pregnancy. These;

  • heartburn and in case of burns, drinking warm milk will help avoid the ill effects.
  • In such cases, tablets are sold that dissolve in the mouth and can be used without any problems during pregnancy. It will be prescribed by your obstetrician and you can also buy it yourself at the pharmacy.
  • Adjusting smaller portions during meals helps prevent stomach upset.
  • In particular, avoiding fatty foods and foods that can cause stomach problems helps the stomach to heal.
  • If the expectant mother has heartburn and heartburn as well as nausea, the doctor can add medication after the pregnancy as a precaution. These drugs should be used strictly under medical supervision.
  • Eating should be regulated as often as possible and eaten less and less.
  • Eating just before bedtime during pregnancy triggers stomach problems. It is important to eat light, small meals at least two hours before bedtime. Positioning your head as high as possible while sleeping, lying on your side and supporting yourself with a pillow between your legs all help the stomach to take on a more comfortable shape.
  • The clothes to be worn during pregnancy are important in many ways, both for the development of the baby and for the well-being of the mother-to-be. Clothing that fits snugly against the body also puts pressure on the stomach, thus triggering heartburn and burning problems.

You should tell your doctor, who follows the pregnancy calendar, in detail about all the problems that are not going well during pregnancy and bother you, and you should carry out your treatments with the medicines in the form and amount prescribed by your doctor. Please note that in this article we have shared content to educate you about heartburn and heartburn during pregnancy. Its contents are never a treatment method.

Each pregnancy should be evaluated separately. In order to have a healthy pregnancy period and give birth to healthy babies, it is imperative to consult your doctor from the beginning of pregnancy until after the birth.

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