What Are The Effects Of Coronavirus (Covid 19) On Pregnancy And Baby?

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Coronavirus (Covid 19) was first discovered in Wuhan city of the Chinese Government in December 2019 has emerged. After the increase in pneumonia cases, investigations were made and it was determined that a new virus that had never been heard of emerged. Moreover, it has been proven that the virus has serious effects on human health.

In January 2020, the virus, the cause of which could not be determined exactly, was proven to be easily transmitted from person to person by respiratory route, and measures were started to be taken in the country. Spreading from Wuhan city of China to the whole world, the coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, has caused the death of millions of people all over the world, especially in China.

Covid-19, which has caused a serious health problem in all countries of the world, has been the main agenda all over the world since January 2020. It has been observed that the effects of the new type of coronavirus can be seen in humans, dogs, cats, bats and rodents in general.

While the effects of Covid 19 can be observed as a simple cold, it can also be seen as serious health problems. In fact, some cases of covid-19 result in death. In general terms, while the effects of covid-19 can be felt in a simple way in people with a strong immune system, it has been stated that the course of the disease will be heavy due to the coronavirus affecting people with a low immune system and who can easily catch diseases. Although it is not fully determined how the coronavirus will affect the pregnancy periods, it will still be healthy for expectant mothers to act cautiously.


What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, emerged in the Chinese province of Wuhan in December 2019. The name of this virus, which cannot be determined exactly how it originated, was determined as Covid-19 because it emerged in 2019. It has been suggested that the new type of coronavirus case was caused by animal markets in China. It has been observed that viruses, which are mostly seen in animals at first, can easily be transmitted from animals to humans, and from humans to humans over time.

World Health Organization has proven that coronavirus is transmitted through human-to-human contact. In cases where social distance is not adequately maintained and masks and necessary equipment are not used, coronavirus can easily be transmitted from person to person.

 If the necessary precautions are not taken and the necessary protective equipment is not used, the virus-containing droplets emitted as a result of the sneezing and coughing of the sick person in the environment cause the healthy people to catch this virus.

What Are the Symptoms (Symptoms) of Coronavirus?

As it is known, the coronavirus first appeared in the Wuhan province of China and spread to the whole world from China. It has been concluded that this type of Coronavirus has emerged due to factors such as the prevalence of sea animal markets in China and the consumption of these animals alive.

 The symptoms of the coronavirus are generally related to the immune system of the person and occur with mild symptoms in some people, while it is seen as a common dry cough and high fever in some people. The most common common symptoms in Covid-19 are:

  • High fever 39 and above
  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness

Rare symptoms in Covid-19 are as follows:

  • Congestion of nose
  • Sore throat and headache
  • Chills and chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Disappearance of sense of smell and taste
  • Musculoskeletal pains

The time of emergence of coronavirus after transmission in people is between 2 and 14 days. Difficulty in breathing that occurs during the disease is especially severe in the second week of the disease. For people with respiratory distress, oxygen support is provided with mechanical ventilation. People who feel that they have the symptoms of coronavirus should go to the nearest health institution without wasting time

Is Coronavirus Transmitted to Baby During Pregnancy?

One of the first questions that come to mind, especially for people who want to have a baby in the last year, is whether this virus will be passed on to their babies if they catch the coronavirus. To this question that naturally comes to mind, experts state that there is no certainty that the baby in the womb or a newborn baby is infected with the coronavirus.

 In the examinations made on the fluid taken from the mother’s womb, it has been observed that there is no possibility of a pregnant woman infecting her baby with coronavirus. However, since coronavirus is a new disease, scientists can make different determinations about this virus every day. Therefore, it may take time to reach a definitive judgment.

What Should We Do If We Get Coronavirus During Pregnancy?

~ 152 ~ As it is known, the coronavirus is increasing rapidly with the transmission of infected particles, which occur in the case of coughing and sneezing from sick people, to healthy people in the form of droplets. In order to be protected from the coronavirus, it is necessary to follow the rules such as social distance, hygiene rules, wearing a mask and staying away from crowded environments, which are applied all over the world. In this way, you can be protected from coronavirus and continue a healthy life. The way the coronavirus is transmitted to someone is not related to whether the person is pregnant or not.

As with every human being, it is extremely important for pregnant women to stay away from crowded environments, pay attention to hand hygiene and wear a mask. If pregnant people feel that they are infected with this virus, they can apply to a health institution in a short time and have radiological imaging methods done with the approval of the doctor so that the baby is not harmed. If approved by the doctor, Covid-19 treatment of the pregnant person can be done both in the hospital and at home. Covid-19 treatment and follow-up applied to each patient continues in the same way in pregnant people.

How to Avoid Coronavirus During Pregnancy

It will be beneficial for pregnant women to go out during pregnancy only if they have to and stay away from the crowd as much as possible. In recent months, when the increase in coronavirus has been experienced, every healthy individual can catch this virus. It is extremely important to follow the necessary precautions and wear a mask. It is important for pregnant women to pay attention to hygiene rules and to keep a distance of 2 meters from each person. In addition, some personal items such as mobile phones, towels, glasses and plates should be private and should not be shared with anyone else.

Pregnant people should especially pay attention to the consumption of 2 liters of water per day. Likewise, they should never enter crowded environments and should not use public transportation unless necessary. They need to pay attention to their healthy and regular diet. Care should be taken to consume foods that strengthen the immune system.

Should Pregnant Women Get Tested for Coronavirus?

December 2019, a large number of people died as a result of the coronavirus disease, which spread from China to the whole world. While this virus was transmitted to many people, it showed itself with mild symptoms in some people and easily got rid of this disease. This is where immune resistance comes into play. Therefore, every person should turn to foods that strengthen the immune system. It is extremely important for pregnant women to eat in a way that strengthens their immune systems.

It should not be forgotten that pregnant women may experience respiratory distress due to weakened immune systems as a result of pregnancy. For this reason, they should go to the nearest health institution and have a Covid-19 test when they feel fatigue, high fever and trouble breathing. Pregnant women should be given priority for this test.

It is necessary for pregnant women to apply more hygiene rules that every person should pay attention to. Not only pregnant women, but also women who have given birth recently should follow the necessary precautions to be protected from coronavirus. At the same time, they need to have their routine check-ups done.

Should Those With Coronavirus Have a Cesarean Birth?

One of the issues that are on the minds of women who have become pregnant or want to become pregnant within the last year is whether the coronavirus affects the way they are born. In this regard, doctors will determine the most appropriate delivery method for the mother after performing the necessary examinations.

 Coronavirus is not a factor affecting the mode of delivery here. Of course, a birth will take place as the health of the expectant mother allows. If there is no problem in the general health conditions of the mother and the baby, the determined vaginal delivery method will be applied. However, if there is a difference in the health status of the expectant mother, cesarean delivery can be performed. ~ 153~

Of course, visitors should not be accepted either in the hospital or at home after the birth. At the same time, it is extremely important to take care of the mother and the baby in an environment that complies with the hygiene rules.

Can Those With Coronavirus Give Milk? Can she breastfeed?

Expectant mothers diagnosed with coronavirus can give milk to their babies. In this regard, no virus was detected in the samples taken from breast milk. After these examinations, the experts stated that mothers who have just given birth but diagnosed with corona can easily give milk to their babies. Only mothers who breastfeed their babies need to pay more attention to the hygiene rules that every person should do. They should wash their hands with soap for 20 seconds, pay special attention to the rules of gloves, social distance and mask.

However, if the mother who is diagnosed with coronavirus does not like to breastfeed her baby, the baby can be fed by giving the mother’s milk through a bottle. Or ready-made food can be given.

Is Coronavirus (Covid-19) a Risk for Pregnant Women?

Coronavirus has caused serious differences in the lives of every person in the world in the last year. It is a troublesome process not only for pregnant women, but for all people. But, of course, because the pregnancy process is always a process that requires more attention, pregnant women should pay more attention to hygiene rules and nutrition patterns in this process. Although it does not pose a special risk for pregnant women, this process poses a risk to people with chronic diseases and the elderly. Of course, even under normal conditions, expectant mothers can not easily overcome even the slightest discomfort, and it may be difficult for them to catch coronavirus because of the inconvenience of taking medication.

Pregnant women should pay more attention to their care and eating habits in this process. Immune systems of pregnant women may weaken as a result of hormonal changes and they may experience more severe coronavirus symptoms. There is no evidence that the expectant mother who has coronavirus can give birth prematurely. Even if there is a premature birth, it is not clear whether it is related to the coronavirus. Although researches are carried out, it is not clearly determined whether the virus is transmitted to the baby diagnosed with coronavirus in the mother’s womb or after birth. ~ 153~

Can Corona/Covid-19 Pass From A Woman To Her Unborn Or Newborn Baby?

It is not yet known how a pregnant woman who has been diagnosed with coronavirus or a new mother who has a positive test could transmit this virus to her baby. In all examinations, it is not possible to give a clear answer to a belief such as whether the baby was infected with the virus after birth or in the womb. No virus was found in the milk samples taken from the mother. Therefore, it is not possible to conclude that Covid-19 is transmitted through breast milk or from mother to baby. ~ 153~

Can I Touch And Hold My Newborn Baby If I Have Coronavirus (Corona/Covid-19)?

A mother diagnosed with coronavirus can breastfeed and hold her baby, but of course she can hold her baby by taking some precautions. If the mother does not feel comfortable despite the precautions, she can feed her baby by expressing her milk or find a milk mother and support her baby’s growth and development.

I’m Covid-19. How Can I Breastfeed My Baby?

A mother diagnosed with Covid-19 can breastfeed her baby by paying attention to some hygiene rules and hand hygiene. Or, if breastfeeding is not comfortable, she can express her own milk and give it to her baby with a bottle. You can also choose the relaxation method to give breast milk.

How to Follow Pregnancy During the Coronavirus Period?

During the coronavirus period, it can be difficult for pregnant women to go to the hospital to have their general routine check-ups. Therefore, some pregnant women may experience delays in controls due to reasons such as quarantine. Under normal conditions, pregnancy follow-up can be difficult within the scope of coronavirus measures, since the first 12 weeks of pregnancy may be a miscarriage risk. Due to some measures that can be taken, routine pregnancy controls are interrupted, and only pregnant women who may be at risk of miscarriage are followed closely. Check-ups performed every 2 weeks in the last months of pregnancy can be extended up to 4 weeks during the pandemic. During this period, the communication with the physician should continue over the phone or online and the communication should not be interrupted.

Does Coronavirus Affect Birth Type?

Coronavirus does not directly affect the mode of delivery. However, delivery can be performed as determined by the doctor beforehand. If the expectant mother has respiratory distress not only due to corona but also for other reasons, cesarean delivery may be preferred. At the same time, vaginal delivery can be performed depending on the health status of the baby and the mother. After birth, the care of the baby and the mother should be done according to the hygiene rules and visitors should not be accepted to the house.

Is There an Increase in the Risk of Miscarriage and Early Pregnancy Loss in Pregnant Women with Covid-19?

The possibility of miscarriage in pregnant women diagnosed with Covid-19 should not be attributed to coronavirus alone. It has not been concluded that women who have had abortion in any way have miscarriage due to the virus. Therefore, the risk of early pregnancy loss does not occur as a result of Covid-19. It has been stated that some of the preterm births in China may be caused by covid-19, however, definite findings have not been found. ~ 153~

Can Pregnant Women Work During the Pandemic Period?

During the pandemic, not only pregnant women, but also every individual is considered healthy to work. But living conditions force people to work. However, during the pandemic, it can be easily worked by following some hygiene rules such as mask, social distance, cleaning and disinfectant use.

 It will not be very healthy for pregnant women to work under pandemic conditions during pregnancy. The pandemic process can be brought to healthier conditions by giving administrative permission to pregnant women working in the public sector. Some sacrifices can be made for pregnant women who work in some institutions where there is no leave:

  • Mask, social distance, hand cleaning should be observed.
  • The working environment of the pregnant person should be ventilated at all times.
  • He should be directed to work from home when possible.
  • Semi timed operation can be applied.

Considering all these precautions, pregnant women can easily continue their work.

Where and How to Follow Pregnant Women with Coronavirus

Pregnant women who have been diagnosed with coronavirus can generally be followed up in the departments of hospitals reserved for corona patients. Looking at the world, pregnant women can be cared for and followed up in the hospital and at home, if necessary, during the pandemic. Pregnancy follow-up can be done easily at home without the need for an intensive care unit in any way.

Is Babies Tested for Coronavirus After Birth?

If the mother who gave birth has corona, if such a diagnosis is determined, the corona test can be applied to the baby born with the doctor’s recommendation. Thus, depending on the mother’s condition, it is clearly decided whether she can have contact with the baby and whether she can stay in the same room with the mother. If the mother and baby are both in good health, the mother may be allowed to contact the baby and breastfeed the baby comfortably by the doctor. The covid-19 test applied to the mother-to-be after birth will be done through the mouth and nose in the same way as all people.

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