Things to Do Before Pregnancy

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Things to Do Before Pregnancy We have compiled for you a healthy pregnancy. Happy Reading..

Note: When it is decided to become a mother, the first thing to do is to contact the doctor who is asked to follow the pregnancy, make an appointment and go to the examination.

As we plan everything in today’s conditions, we also plan the time when we will get pregnant. Especially women who do not want to interrupt their careers plan to get pregnant according to the intensity of their business life. But the process of getting pregnant is not that easy, you can’t get pregnant right away when you want.

Let’s say that everything is going well in your marriage and business life and you think it’s time to have children. First of all, what you need to do is to apply to a Gynecology and Obstetrics specialist and be examined. Instead of applying to your doctor after conception, you should consult your doctor when you decide to become pregnant.

Before pregnancy, your doctor will make some tests for you and as a result of these tests, he will determine the risks that may occur during pregnancy, during and after birth and ensure that the necessary precautions are taken. Evaluation of the effects of the drugs that you have to use continuously on pregnancy will also be discussed in this examination. It is obligatory for the expectant mother to have smear, anemia, hepatitis B, C, HIV and rubella tests.

You should stop using hormonal birth control methods before trying to get pregnant. If you have used birth control methods for a long time, you may have low levels of some vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins. Give your body time for your fertility to return to its previous level and for your body to heal.

Before pregnancy, the expectant mother should start using folic acid. Women of reproductive age should take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. Folic acid, which is involved in the production of DNA and plays a major role in the formation and development of cell building blocks and blood cells and the nervous system, is a B vitamin derivative.

The fact that it prevents nervous system defects (neural type defects) in the first month of pregnancy increases the importance of folic acid use during pregnancy. The neural tube is the first nervous system to form in embryo development, and the brain and spinal cord develop with the neural tube. In some cases, if the neural tube does not develop, some parts do not close, remain open, or if the upper part does not develop, congenital disabilities occur. For this reason, folic acid supplementation should be taken at least 1 month before pregnancy and until the third month of pregnancy. In some studies, it has been revealed that when folic acid and vitamin B12 are used together, it is more effective than taking folic acid alone.

If there is iron deficiency, it should be treated. Iron deficiency is a health problem seen in most women. It causes weakness, fatigue, palpitations and anemia in expectant mothers. At the same time, iron deficiency causes developmental delay in infants.

If the expectant mother smokes, she must stop smoking before becoming pregnant. Smoking causes difficulty in conceiving. There is an increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth in mothers who smoke. Alcohol and drugs that harm pregnancy should also be avoided. Alcohol use during pregnancy causes mental retardation, behavioral disorders and learning disorders in babies in the future. As with cigarette use, alcohol use also causes difficulty in conceiving. If the pre-pregnancy eating habits are not suitable for pregnancy, she should immediately switch to a balanced diet. If there is a mother-to-be, she should lose her excess weight before pregnancy because diet is not recommended during pregnancy.

He should stay away from fatty, sugary, acidic and unhealthy foods, and should focus on fruit and vegetable consumption. He should try not to be in places with radiation. It is very important to consume meat 3-4 months before getting pregnant. Vegetarian mothers should increase their protein consumption and take vitamin supplements. Stressful lifestyle should be abandoned. The easiest and healthiest way to deal with stress is to exercise. In this process, light exercises should be done and a sleep pattern should be established. Couples should regulate their sexual life and should not interrupt sexual intercourse for more than five days.

The expectant mother should follow the ovulation period and must have sexual intercourse during the ovulation periods. If there is no mishap, he should learn the result in the healthiest way by having a blood test when the menstrual period is over.


  • One of the first things to do naturally when deciding to get pregnant is to stop being protected. Depending on the method applied, it may take up to 0-3 months for reproductive functions to return.
  • The most suitable period for getting pregnant is 12-15 from the beginning of bleeding in a woman who has a menstrual period every 28 days. for days.
  • A regular sex life and at least 3 intercourse a week will be beneficial for getting pregnant.
  • In 15% of couples who want pregnancy, pregnancy does not occur at the end of 1 year. These couples should apply to the physician in order to investigate infertility.
  • It is not known in advance whether you will get pregnant or not. No physician or person can give a guarantee to anyone that they will have or will not have a child. In couples consisting of individuals who do not have a uterus or testicles, pregnancy does not occur naturally, but it should not be forgotten that there is unexplained infertility in 15% of cases, even if there is no anatomical problem.

For more articles on the pre-pregnancy period; Before Pregnancy

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