The 17 Fastest Ways to Start a Home Birth

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Some doctors and midwives may medically encourage labor after 39 weeks, while others may put you on hold for up to 42 weeks. If you’re past your normal due date and are still waiting, your body has some wonderful natural ways to induce labor in the comfort of your own home.

All these ways are natural, but before trying any of these methods, be sure to talk to your doctor or midwife.

Here are 17 Fastest Ways to Start a Home Birth

1-  Physical Activities to Initiate Birth

The fastest way to trigger a home birth is physical activity. Before practicing these activities, you should not consult your doctor and do not overdo it.

2-  Sexual Intercourse

Sex is a very common way to induce labor. Experts say it’s the quickest way to induce home birth. Many pregnant women have had success with this method. Scientifically, semen stimulates the cervix and can cause orgasm contractions.

3-   Nipple Stimulation

Stimulation of the nipple is definitely one of the fastest ways to induce home birth. Numerous studies show that this method works. Nipple stimulation can cause contractions by secreting oxytocin hormone.

4-  Foot or Body Massage

There are some pressure points that can help create contractions in foot massage. You can have a message therapist or a relative give you a massage.

5-   Acupuncture

This method should only be done by a professional. Acupuncture is said to cause contractions and help ripen the cervix for childbirth. If you’re not afraid of needles, it’s worth a try!

6-  Jumping on an Exercise Ball

You’ve probably seen a mom-to-be bouncing on an exercise ball before. This is because it helps put the baby in the correct position. It also encourages the baby’s head to move down the birth canal.

7-  Swimming

Swimming is another good way to induce labor. Staying active towards the end of your pregnancy will move your baby towards the pelvis and encourage enlargement. At the very least, swimming will help relieve pregnancy-induced joint and muscle pain!

8-  Walk

It works similar to walking, swimming and jumping exercises. Encourages baby to go deeper into the pelvis and give birth. Most light aerobic exercises are highly recommended as you approach your due date to encourage labor.

9-  Natural Foods and Herbs to Start Birth

One of the fastest ways to promote home birth is to use natural materials. Before using these foods, you should not consult your doctor and do not overdo it.

10-Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is a highly recommended way by midwives to naturally induce labor. It is a scientifically proven successful method. It can be taken orally and can be purchased at most local pharmacies.

Evening primrose oil thins the cervix. You can use it if your body is ready for childbirth and you need extra help.

11-Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is effective when you drink it regularly throughout your pregnancy. It should be consumed especially after the third trimester. Many mothers who use this tea find that pregnancy is faster and less painful.

12-Thyme Tea

Thyme tea has similar properties to the Red Raspberry Leaf Tea method. When you drink it every day, it causes uterine contractions.


Persimmons are a sweet and delicious way to induce pregnancy. It not only helps to soften the cervix. Loaded with calcium and potassium, this food is extremely healthy for you and your baby.

14-Spicy Foods

Spicy foods promote pregnancy. It’s probably unlikely to help unless your body is seriously ready to give birth. It should be consumed close to birth.


Pineapple is a scientifically proven labor trigger. This medicinal fruit causes uterine contractions and also the maturation of the cervix. You can try fresh or frozen pineapple or even pineapple juice!

16-Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is an herb commonly used in the medical world to promote contractions. This herb is often available as a liquid supplement. It is assumed that a few drops each day will induce labor. Midwifery experiences from the past suggest Black Cohosh to naturally induce childbirth.

17-Castor Oil (Not Recommended!)

Castor oil has been used to induce labor for decades. It has proven to be a very successful method to induce labor, but it can be dangerous. It can cause stress on the baby, so it is important to talk to your doctor before using castor oil.

When Should We Go to the Doctor for Birth?

Doctors or midwives usually inform patients about the 4-1-1 indicator. When contractions are 4 minutes apart, 1 minute long, at least 1 hour, it’s a good time to call or go to the birthing center.

If your water breaks, you should definitely go to the hospital. Some women miss contractions completely and can have active labor when their waters come back.

Be sure to tour your birth center or hospital and take a test drive to see how long it takes you to get there. Knowing where to go in advance will help relieve your stress.

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