Smoking During Pregnancy And Its Harms To The Baby

Many people in the world and in our country smoke heavily. However, there are many known disadvantages. For this reason, the question of whether smoking one cigarette a day during pregnancy is harmful is being studied, especially by women who are in the process and usually smoke.

There are many known harms of smoking today. However, as it is known during pregnancy, it spreads not only to people but also to the baby. Experts say that smoking during pregnancy is more dangerous than diabetes and high blood pressure. And that they have the option of treatment; However, he explains that there is no way to protect the baby from the harms of smoking.

Therefore, smoking should be stopped immediately, both for your own health and for your baby.

What are the disadvantages of smoking?

Before we move on to the harms of smoking during pregnancy, the harms of smoking should also be known. There are many details and details on this topic. Some of them can be listed as follows;

  • Damage to the respiratory tract
  • Damage to the cardiovascular system
  • Effects on skin health
  • Effects on oral and dental health
  • brain damage

In addition, men suffer from conditions such as impaired sperm quality and decreased blood flow to the penis. It also affects estrogen balance in women. It increases the risk of cervical cancer, genital herpes and infertility.

What Are The Harms Of Smoking During Pregnancy?

Smoking during pregnancy is very harmful to both mother and child. The baby is exposed to carbon monoxide, which limits its intake of food and oxygen. In addition, exposure to nicotine causes the heart to beat faster and the respiratory movements of the fetus to decrease. Other items can be listed as follows;

  • pregnancy loss
  • Birth defects that affect the muscles, skull, limbs, heart, and other areas
  • premature birth
  • premature rupture of membranes
  • low birth weight
  • The condition in which the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix
  • Separation of the placenta from the inner walls of the uterus before birth
  • vaginal bleeding

In addition, there are harms to the baby after birth. Some of them can be explained as follows;

  • stomach pain
  • asthma
  • respiratory infection
  • sudden infant death
  • childhood obesity

In addition, some studies suggest that it may affect children’s emotional development and behavioral learning abilities. Smoking can also have a negative impact on children’s own fertility.

how to quit smoking

Passive smoking during pregnancy

Many non-smokers today become passive smokers through exposure to their smoke. This also applies to some pregnant women. How does secondhand smoke affect you during pregnancy? Again, it should be known that the health of the baby will be affected.

There are also dangers such as birth defects, abortion, low birth weight in the baby.

Does smoking during pregnancy reduce risk?

Many women wonder if cutting down on smoking during pregnancy reduces risk. First, the answer must be yes. If you stop smoking within the first 4 months, the risk of low birth weight is lower compared to a non-smoker. In addition, the dangers of premature birth, infant death, abortion and other complications are also reduced.

Therefore, it is recommended to give up smoking completely.

Ways to Quit Smoking During Pregnancy

For ways to quit smoking during pregnancy should first consult a doctor, take solutions and then follow them. In addition, the following substances also help with quitting;

  • Make a list of why you want to quit smoking
  • Remove smoke-related items from your life
  • If there are situations or objects that tempt you to smoke, stay away from them.
  • Don’t stay in a smoking place
  • Hang out with non-smokers

Although these items can be expanded, specialist help is required.

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