Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

From avoiding your favorite activities to avoiding certain foods, during pregnancy The list of dos and don’ts can be a bit overwhelming.

Expectant parents know that after the birth of their baby, it becomes more difficult to get a good night’s sleep. but pregnancy You probably have no idea how hard it can be to fall asleep while you sleep.

In fact, you may sleep more than usual during the first trimester of your pregnancy. It’s normal to feel tired while your body is working to protect and nurture the developing baby.

The placenta forms again and quickly, your body produces more blood and your heart pumps faster. The time when most women have trouble falling asleep deeply and uninterrupted is usually your pregnancy happens in the future.

Why can sleeping be difficult?

during pregnancy sleep The first and most immediate reason for their problems is the increasing size of the fetus, which can lead to a comfortable birth sleeping position It can make it difficult to find.

Always on the back or face Sleep If you are anyone, you may have trouble adjusting to sleeping on your side. Aside from that, pregnancy As you progress and your belly grows, it becomes harder to turn and move in bed.

As your belly gets bigger every day, you can add sleeping positions to your worry list. Here during pregnancy sleeping positions and the myths and facts about how the way you rest affects your baby’s health and your health.

in order tol side

Usually on the left side pregnancy referred to as the “ideal” scenario. Positioning on the left side of the body ensures optimal blood flow through the inferior vena cava (IVC). This large vein runs parallel to your spine on the right and carries blood to your heart and thus to your baby.

Sleeping on the left side also relieves stress on the liver and kidneys. This means more freedom of movement and helps with swelling in the hands, ankles and feet.

Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

right side

So should you avoid the right side when the left side is ideal? Not necessarily. Research from 2019 showed that sleeping on the left and right side is equally safe. There is a small risk of getting stuck with the IVC if you sleep on the right side, but it’s mostly about where you’re comfortable.

A note on the gender of the baby

sleep You may have heard that your site displays your baby’s gender. It’s just an urban legend. sleep There are no studies showing that position has any relation to your baby’s gender.

Accustomed to side sleepers

If side sleeping isn’t for you, here are some suggestions to make it feel more natural, or at least more comfortable.

Especially sleep If you are interested in your position, you can ask your partner to check on you from time to time and help you put you in a better position. Or you support your sleeping position with pillows.

Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

first quarter

in every position sleep It’s usually a lot easier and less risky for the first few months. But if you don’t know which side to sleep on and how to get into the habit, try putting a pillow between your legs. This can relieve discomfort in your hips and lower body.

Second trimester

As your belly grows, you’ll want to make sure your mattress is orthopedic and firm so your back doesn’t start to hurt.

If your mattress is too soft, you should put a board between the mattress and the spring. You may also want to look into pregnancy pillows. Made in a U or C shape, it wraps your entire body to support side sleepers. pregnant You will feel very comfortable with the pillows.

Position the pillow so it’s across your back, then lean forward while sliding it between your knees at the same time. We guarantee you a very pleasant sleep.

Third quarter

For support pregnancy Keep using the pillow. If you find them a little bulky with your growing belly, check out wedge pillows. You can tape them under your stomach and behind your back to keep them from rolling.

If you can’t get used to sleeping on your side, try using a pillow to prop your torso up at a 45-degree angle. This way you can’t lie on your back and prevent the IVC from getting stuck. Alternatively, try raising the head of your bed a few inches with books or blocks.

Lying sleep

pregnancy I wonder if you can sleep on your stomach during this Of course you can sleep, at least for a while. It is normal to sleep on your stomach up to the 16th to 18th week. But after those weeks, your tummy can get a little fatter and this position becomes less and less desirable and uncomfortable.

In this position, your growing belly can make you feel like you’re sleeping on a watermelon. However, comfort aside, you don’t have to worry if you sleep on your stomach somehow. The walls of the uterus and the amniotic fluid protect your baby from pressure and shock.

However, if you want to make this position more comfortable, consider purchasing a face pillow for it. Some are inflatable and some are more like a solid pillow with a wide cut-out for your tummy.

Whatever you choose, the main idea is to give you and your baby plenty of room to breathe while still allowing you a comfortable sleep.

Sleep back

Sleeping on your back is generally considered safe in the first trimester.

On your back all night after the first trimester sleep You may have heard of studies linking stillbirths. However, we would like to remind you that you need not worry, these studies are small in scale and inconclusive. Also in these studies sleep Note that there may be other factors such as apnea.

Still supine after 28 weeks not sleep can reduce your risk of stillbirth by 5.8%. There are other problems with sleeping on your back as well. This position can contribute to back pain, hemorrhoids, digestive problems, and poor circulation. You may also feel dizzy.

So should you be concerned if you wake up on your back in the middle of the night? Probably not, but once you realize this it might be a better idea to move to a different position.

Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

If you are able to sleep and often find yourself on your back, consider putting a pillow behind you. Thus, it prevents you from trying to roll onto your back or from being completely on your back and allows you to stand at an angle feeding your baby.

There are a few things to keep in mind during pregnancy. your sleeping position It doesn’t have to be at the top of the list or in it.

Doctors recommend lying on your right or left side to ensure optimal blood flow to you and your baby. In addition, you can try using some pillow supports to get into the most comfortable position for you.

Soak up as much sleep as possible before your baby is born on the side or in the bolster.

After giving birth, you need a lot of sleep. If you still have questions about which position is best, consult your doctor.

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