Sleeping Position During Pregnancy

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It is researched by many women as a lying position during pregnancy, and it is quite a matter of curiosity in which positions they should lie in during this period.

Expectant mothers, who are very careful about the possibility of any harm to the baby with the feeling of motherhood, usually pay attention to their eating and drinking habits and their sleeping positions at night.

Since the most important bond between the baby and the mother is nutrition, especially during pregnancy, sleeping positions affect the baby’s nutrition significantly, which causes women to create certain positions while sleeping at night.

Women who can lie face down as a lying position for the first 3 months of pregnancy, generally, since their pictures are small and the babies are quite small, there will not be any pressure on the veins and the circulation will not be impaired.

Especially for women who like to lie face down under normal conditions, although the first 3 months pass without any problems, the periods after the 3 months are very difficult.

In the periods after

3 months, it is one of the most recommended sleeping positions to lie on the left side during pregnancy.

The most important reason for sleeping like this is that the main veins passing through the right side of the body will press on the pledge, resulting in a decrease in the amount of blood returning to the heart and therefore a decrease in the amount of blood going to the baby.

After Which Month of Pregnancy Can’t Sleep on Your Back?

One of the questions frequently asked by expectant mothers is that after which month of pregnancy is it not laid on the back? There is a question.

~ 152 ~ In the last months of pregnancy, it should not be slept on your back. In the supine position, since the uterus will press with all its weight on the back muscles and all the veins, the expectant mothers will experience low back pain and problems such as weakness and dizziness will be in question as the blood pressure drops.

What are the Sitting and Lying Positions in Pregnancy?

During the pregnancy period, expectant mothers should limit their movements in this direction, without forgetting that they are raising a living thing inside. At this point, what are the creation and sitting positions during pregnancy, which are frequently asked by women with their first pregnancies? There is a question.

During the pregnancy period, the sleeping positions or sitting positions of women in normal times should be changed to a certain extent.

Sitting position is very important for pregnant women, especially by experts. Because posture disorders that occur in this process can become chronic and often continue after the pregnancy period.

Therefore, during pregnancy, women should always sit in an upright position and distribute their body weight proportionally on the spine, usually by pushing their shoulders back.

At the same time, sitting cross-legged during pregnancy is also very inconvenient for the back as it reduces blood circulation in the leg area.

In addition, it is recommended by experts that expectant mothers should generally lie on their left side so that the largest veins do not put pressure on the veins and the blood flow to the uterus is not reduced.

In addition, when the feet are pulled in slightly, expectant mothers can sleep much more comfortably.

For this reason, it is very important for people to sit and lie down in certain positions during certain months during the pregnancy process. Since it is generally said that sudden movements are not recommended for pregnant women, all movements performed during this period should be done very slowly and carefully.

Our previous post What is Toxoplasma in Pregnancy? What are the Symptoms and Treatment? How to Evaluate the Values ​​in the Blood? in our article information about.

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