How and When to Take a Pregnancy Test?

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There are two different types of tests to do a pregnancy test. Thanks to both tests, the hormone HCG is used. HCG is produced by the placenta after the embryo implants in the uterus. All of the signs related to pregnancy appear with the rising value of the hormone in the blood. Pregnancy test can be done in two different situations, urine and blood. In this way, it can be clarified whether there is a pregnancy situation or not. The tests may be wrong at times or may need to be renewed in some cases. So it will be more secure if both urine or blood test is done.

Purine Pregnancy Test

This test can be done in two different ways. First, the urine is taken into a container and the test strip is dipped into it. Otherwise, the middle part of the stick can be wetted with urine. After waiting for a while, the test strip will change color. If two lines appear on the stick, there is a pregnancy. If a single line appears, there is no pregnancy situation.

Pregnancy Test with Blood

  • By doing two different blood tests, it can be observed whether the person has a pregnancy condition. This can be understood more clearly by performing a blood test that gives the full value of the hCG hormone. In addition, a test showing whether there is pregnancy in the blood can be done.

The Advantages of Taking a Blood Test

  • Urine test can be done for pregnancy test.
  • HCG level in blood can be determined according to the test performed and a detailed evaluation can be made according to these findings.

Disadvantages of Taking a Blood Test

  • It is more expensive to find out the pregnancy status with a blood test than a urine test.
  • Takes a little longer to get results.
  • It is a test that should be done in a laboratory setting.

When is the Pregnancy Test Performed?

There are several important indications to do a pregnancy test. Pregnancy test can be done when these symptoms are seen.

If You Missed Your Period

One of the most reliable signs of pregnancy is the delayed menstrual period. If you don’t control your loop, it will be harder to control this state. If it’s been too long since your period, make sure to take a pregnancy test. But keep in mind that your menstrual period may also be delayed due to other factors.

If You Have Frequent Cramps

There may be cramps similar to menstrual cramps. You may think you are getting close to your period, but your period never comes fully. In such cases, you can get a clear result by taking a pregnancy test.

When Your Breasts Hurt

Progesterone and estrogen hormones produced due to pregnancy make different changes in the body. Such situations may also be a reason to have a pregnancy test.

If You Can Feel Different

If you frequently experience nausea, loss of appetite or frequent urination, it may be appropriate for you to take a pregnancy test. Of course, there may be other reasons for these situations as well. But if pregnancy is possible, it is absolutely necessary to have a test. ~ 153~

How Do You Know You’re Pregnant With a Pregnancy Test?

Pregnancy test can be done easily thanks to the hormone in the blood or urine. In this way, pregnancy is detected more successfully. However, at times, false evaluations may be made about the test. Therefore, it would be more accurate to do the test at appropriate times.

The passage of time over the expected menstrual period is actually one of the first signs of pregnancy. Therefore, a pregnancy test can be done first after the menstrual date is delayed. Incorrect results may be obtained as a result of early testing. Urine tests are also one of the fastest and easiest test methods, as they often give accurate results. In this way, it can be understood whether there is a pregnancy situation.

A positive pregnancy test means that you are pregnant. A negative pregnancy test means that there is no pregnancy condition. It can be understood more clearly and realistically on ultrasound after positive pregnancy tests. If there is no period soon after negative results, this pregnancy test can be done again.

For a healthy pregnancy, don’t forget to check out our Pregnancy Tracking Article..

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