Is It Possible To Prevent Miscarriage During Pregnancy?


As a result of the loss of infants during early pregnancy, the rate of pregnancies resulting in miscarriage (abortion) is very high in all pregnancies. On average, the rate of getting a low score in the early stages has reached a 20% level.

Is it possible to prevent an abortion in the early period? What should mothers do to prevent early infant loss? What is the role of progesterone in miscarriage in infants? We have included all the details in the content of this article.

What is the importance of progesterone in pregnancy?

Progesterone is a hormone that helps regulate the menstrual cycle. Its main task is to prepare the womb of expectant mothers for pregnancy. Each month after ovulation, progesterone kicks in and prepares a fertilized egg.

While the ovaries in women who had regular menstrual periods before pregnancy only secrete estrogen in the middle of each cycle, the body begins to secrete progesterone in the second period after the egg period. It is the result of all-day and regular formation of menstrual periods and ovulation calendar.


What role does progesterone play in every pregnancy?

  • In the early stages of pregnancy, progesterone allows the embryo to implant properly by improving the lining of the uterus. For this reason, in the early stages of pregnancy, progesterone is very important for the continuation of the pregnancy.
  • In the second and third stages, it prevents the uterus from contracting and plays an important role in ensuring the continuation of the pregnancy.

Does progesterone work when taken as a drug?

Progesterone drugs, given to the expectant mother to prevent early pregnancy and eliminate the possibility of an abortion, are considered successful in 40% of cases, according to the research results.

To achieve this success, the expectant mother should only be at risk of miscarriage due to low progesterone. If the miscarriage occurs for other reasons, progesterone will not have its effect.

The studies continued continuously, and as a result of the research conducted subsequently, it was observed that the administration of progesterone drugs to expectant mothers who were diagnosed with miscarriage and bleeding did not have a positive effect.

As a result of both studies, if the expectant mothers are at risk of miscarriage due to low progesterone, it is necessary to support them with drug supplements.

What is the role of progesterone in consecutive miscarriages?

In the case of consecutive pregnancy losses, other diseases are more common in addition to low progesterone;

  • chromosomal disorders
  • Structural disorders in the reproductive organs of the expectant mother
  • have abnormalities in the immune system
  • hormonal problems
  • I have a thyroid problem.
  • Finally, the low level of progesterone hormone can be mentioned.

How safe is progesterone administration during pregnancy?

You should definitely do your research before using the progesterone medication your doctor prescribes during pregnancy. We recommend using non-synthetic natural remedies. Otherwise, it is known to increase the incidence of congenital heart defects in newborns.

What should those who experience an abortion while pregnant do?

Studies do not show that progesterone treatments provide sufficiently positive results. especially one after the other low Expectant mothers, faced with the disease, should definitely follow a method when the necessary analyzes are carried out with a specialist doctor.

You should personally use the information on how much progesterone supplements should be taken and the likely duration of treatment at the rate prescribed by your doctor.


What Are the Symptoms of Low Progesterone in Women?

  • Before pregnancy, the menstrual cycle is irregular.
  • Constant headaches appear.
  • Mood swings occur due to the absence of menstruation.
  • It causes weight gain.
  • There is tenderness in the breasts.
  • There is a lack of sexual desire.
  • It triggers fibroid formation.

What precautions should expectant mothers take against a possible miscarriage during pregnancy?

  • During pregnancy care should be taken to wash hands with plenty of water immediately after touching raw meat, fish and eggs.
  • For meat, fish and eggs, attention should be paid to the cooking rates before consumption.
  • Before eating food, you should check the expiry date.
  • Care should be taken to consume cooked meat and fish on the same day.
  • Care should be taken to consume vegetables and fruits after washing them with plenty of water or even keeping them in vinegar water for a while.
  • Weight gain before and during pregnancy puts you at risk of miscarriage. It is therefore important to eat healthily and watch out for weight gain.
  • It is important for people with chronic diseases to share all information accurately with their doctor who is making the pregnancy calendar.

If you want to become a mother, you should definitely proceed under medical supervision from the moment you plan your pregnancy. Our article is for informational purposes, not therapeutic purposes. You should have the necessary treatments under the supervision of your doctor.

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