How Should Breastfeeding Twin Babies Be Like?

Hello everybody,

Today we are with our article that we have put together for our twin babies. 

also in your head “How should breastfeeding with twins be?”, “Which breastfeeding positions should be used?”, “How should I plan the breastfeeding sequence?”, “How should the mother’s diet be included?” If you have any questions, you can immediately read our article.

Breast milk is a wonderful food that perfectly meets all the needs of a baby in the first 6 months. Every mother’s milk is special. Every mother produces milk that is suitable for her baby. In addition, the content of breast milk varies depending on the month of the baby, energy needs, stage of development and even the weight or number of babies.

Is breast milk enough for twins?

According to studies, it has been found that mothers of twin babies produce almost 2-2.5 LT milk per day in the first 6 months.

When you are a mother of twins, your body recognizes this and produces enough milk for both babies!

However, with some twin babies, the development of the babies can be tracked. if needed Breastfeeding can be started as a supplement to breast milk. At this point, your baby’s development should be evaluated by your doctor your doctor’s decision to breastfeed We emphasize the need.

This is the best way to judge if you have enough milk for your babies To check your baby’s weight gain. For more information, see our article.

Breastfeeding for Twin Babies

Breastfeeding twin babies differs from breastfeeding a single baby in two ways. These Breastfeeding patterns and positions.

Breastfeeding pattern for twin babies

The breastfeeding pattern differs from the normal one in twin babies because there are two babies who need breast milk at the same time. There are two techniques, alternate breastfeeding and simultaneous breastfeeding.

We compared the methods of simultaneous breastfeeding and alternating breastfeeding and talked about the pros and cons for you. You can review both methods and choose the one that suits you best and that you are most comfortable with.

Sequential breastfeeding in twins

It is a very common method of breastfeeding twins. With this method, your babies will alternately while breastfeeding.


  • It’s more convenient than breastfeeding at the same time since you’re breastfeeding one baby at a time.
  • You will respond to your babies individually and spend time alone.


  • Especially when we consider the time newborns spend at the breast, the more breastfeeding, the more strenuous and the longer it takes.
  • While one baby is feeding, the other baby will also be hungry, so they may become impatient and cry.

Simultaneous breastfeeding for twins

It is a method of breastfeeding twins at the same time and in the same position.


  • It saves time as you are breastfeeding both babies at the same time.
  • While one baby is suckling, the other doesn’t have to wait.
  • Because both breasts are stimulated equally, the milk secretion mechanism works more evenly.
  • At the same time, by breastfeeding you support more skin-to-skin contact, more stimulation of the oxytocin reflex and more milk secretion.


  • It is physically demanding as there are two babies being held at the same time.

Things to consider when breastfeeding your twin babies

There are some important points to keep in mind when breastfeeding twins.

The content of the first milk from the breast and the hindmilk is not the same. your first milk more lactose and water contentyour last milk The oil content is higher. It is important for the baby’s development to receive these two milks. Therefore, breastfeed at the same time or alternately, You should give the right and left breasts to a different baby each time you feed.

For example, if a baby sucks on your right breast when you feed, you should give your right breast to the other baby the next time you feed. This way, both babies will receive these two milks, which have different nutritional levels.

At the same time when you apply this transformation;

  • It produces the same amount of milk in both breasts, which is stimulated by both babies.
  • If a baby has a weaker sucking reflex, always suckle on the same breast to avoid less stimulation in that breast.
  • You establish a balanced system for both your baby’s milk intake and milk production in your breasts.

Another point to watch out for is your babies. Watch for signs of hunger. Especially if you take turns breastfeeding, your baby may become impatient and cry while you are breastfeeding a baby.

At the first signs of hunger, the baby’s movements increase, it begins to be searched for. As symptoms progress, he stretches and yawns. As her hunger level increases, she starts sucking her hands. With late symptoms, the baby goes into a crying crisis and stress levels reach high levels.

The baby who reaches this point does not hold the breast even when the breast is given. It should be sedated before breastfeeding. A baby should be fed at the latest when there are signs of progressive hunger, i.e. stage 2.

Breastfeeding positions for twin babies

There are some special positions for breastfeeding twin babies at the same time. The most commonly used of theseLeaning Still”, “Front Cross Grip” and “Cross Football Grip” To stop.

Cross football grip

In this position, after placing both babies on your nursing pillow, position them under your seats and support their heads with your palms.

Front cross handle

In this position, after placing your babies on the nursing pillow, place them diagonally on your chest as in the picture.

Upright breastfeeding

This position can be used to breastfeed twins who are a month older. Babies are positioned on the nursing pillow facing the mother’s breasts.

Leaning breastfeeding (natural breastfeeding position)

In this breastfeeding position, the mother leans back, supports her back with a pillow, and feeds both babies by placing them on her chest.


Using nursing pillows for twin babies

Hormone responsible for milk secretion oxytocinis strongly influenced by the mother’s mood and stress level. If you are stressed and nervous, your baby will sense this and become restless. Therefore, it is very important that you are in a comfortable position and relaxed while breastfeeding.

This is where breastfeeding pillows come to your rescue!


The nursing pillow is designed to protect both you and your baby while breastfeeding. a comfortable position let it get you Support your waist while breastfeeding hip and back pain during breastfeeding while preventing the problem in adjusting the distance between you and your babies They help.

In addition, your babies can lay on the breast more easily with the breastfeeding pillow and grasp the breast better. This way you will have effective breastfeeding.

The use of nursing pillows is especially important for mothers of twin babies. Because holding both babies at the same time can be tiring most of the time.

The nursing pillow allows you to use your hands and arms more comfortably, allowing you to place your babies better when breastfeeding your twins. In this way, you stimulate your oxytocin reflex and support your milk flow through more contact with your babies.

What should the mother’s diet be like while breastfeeding twin babies?

while breastfeeding right nutrition It is very important. The energy required for the breastfeeding process is covered by the food eaten by the mother and her own stores. During lactation, for the mental and physical development of the baby and not to waste it from the mother’s camps. quality and adequate nutrition.

Breastfeeding mothers use 600-700 calories during the day to produce milk. But when it comes to twins, this number reaches 1200-1400 kilocalories.

It is very important that you fill this energy deficit from high nutritional sources. You should consume an adequate and balanced amount of each food group. Because you have a large energy deficit As part of a healthy, natural diet, you can increase your portion sizes.

Sample feeding program for breastfeeding mothers of twins

Breakfast (09.00)

  • 1 boiled egg
  • Two fingers thick cheese (you can add black cumin seeds)
  • 7-8 olives
  • 2 teaspoons tahini/molasses
  • 2 walnuts
  • 3 thin slices of whole wheat/rye/bran bread

Snack (10.30)

  • Fennel tea (1 cup)
  • 1 fruit + 10 almonds

Noon (12:00)

  • 8 tablespoons dark green leafy vegetables
  • 6 tablespoons yogurt (3 tablespoons cooked quinoa)
  • 2 thin slices of whole wheat/rye/bran bread

Snack (14.30)

  • 2 matchbox sized tahini halvah + 10 almonds
  • Tea that increases breast milk

Snack (17.30)

evening (19.30)

  • 1 small bowl of soup
  • Meat / chicken / fish (60 grams of chicken / up to 3 meatballs / 250 grams of fish)
  • Salad with lots of vegetables (you can add fruit)
  • 2 thin slices of whole wheat/rye/bran bread or 6 tablespoons bulgur pilaf


  • 1 cup lactose-free milk (cinnamon)
  • 1 serving of fruit

Note: This list is general. Nutrition is personal, it can be reduced or increased according to personal differences. You, too, should consult a nutritionist to create your own plan.


Our previous post Causes of Tummy Tenderness During Pregnancy and Recommendations in our article baby, coming ve pregnancy information about.

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