17th Week Pregnancy | Seventeenth Week Pregnancy Symptoms

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17. week pregnancy symptoms become more pronounced compared to previous months. During this week, the baby’s average height is 12 cm and its weight is 150 grams. These amounts may vary depending on the genetic condition of the baby. The baby now starts to gain weight and its growth accelerates. The fat tissue formed in the uterus surrounds the baby and helps the baby to stay warm.

17. Week Baby’s Development

  • The baby’s gender will be visible on ultrasound after a few weeks. The formation of the sex begins as of the 17th week. If the baby is going to be a boy, the penis will be shaped, if it will be a girl, the vagina will be shaped.
  • It becomes mobile and the baby’s movements can be felt in the womb. Joints become playable.
  • Sweat glands develop and accompany it throughout life.
  • 17. During the baby’s development, the body fat accumulation begins.
  • The directing of the baby’s heart is now carried out by the brain. His heart beats in a certain rhythm.
  • He gains mouth chewing and sucking abilities. Thanks to these abilities, he can fill his stomach from the moment he is born.
  • Many abilities that will help him from the moment he is born are formed this month.
  • His eyebrows and eyelashes start to grow this week. Eyes are closed but eyelids move.
  • The baby’s nails begin to grow and fingerprint lines appear this week.

Mom Changes in Week 17 Pregnancy

The mother’s belly has become larger now and she may have trouble maintaining her center of balance. For this reason, falls and injuries occur during this week. Attention should be paid and high heels should not be used anymore. The mother’s waist becomes more prominent and the tummy gets bigger.

  • Pains may occur around the abdominal region, these pains are the effects of the suddenly enlarged uterus.
  • There is a constant desire for sleep and a feeling of fatigue, the mother just adapts to a living body.
  • 17. As a result of the changes in the week of pregnancy, gum swelling and bleeding is normal. For this, it is necessary to consult with the doctor before taking vitamin supplements.
  • Sensitivity to smell and stomach sensitivity are felt.
  • Nose bleeding occurs because the body cannot get used to a two-person body yet.
  • Stomach Problems such as burning and indigestion occur temporarily.
  • Sensitization of breasts and darkening of skin color.
  • Darkness and shine in hair color are observed. What happens at the 17th week of pregnancy is not the same for everyone, so the occurrence or absence of symptoms should not be considered as a health problem.

When Does the Baby Move the Most?

The baby is most active after eating, especially sweet foods accelerate the baby’s movements in the mother’s womb. The baby can now understand and communicate. If the mother or father communicates with the wife, the baby moves. He tries to react with his actions and to be talked to.

The baby moves a lot when the mother is just falling asleep or during sleep. During the 17th week of pregnancy, the mother’s sleep may be interrupted. The baby’s activity interrupts the mother’s sleep. When the baby listens to music or enters a loud environment, the baby moves.

Which Tests Should Be Performed?

It is very important to monitor the health of the baby and the mother during the pregnancy process. During this week, triple screening or quadruple screening tests are performed. As a result of these tests, the baby’s chromosome is learned and information about spinal cord health is obtained. After the baby’s chromosome number is obtained as a result of this test, its susceptibility to possible diseases is determined. With a blood sample taken from the mother, this test is quite easy.

Images Source: https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/17-weeks-pregnant

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