11th Week Pregnancy | Eleventh Week Pregnancy Symptoms

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Your baby, now just over ½ inch long and weighing about a quarter of an ounce, has been pretty busy growing this week. You don’t know yet what the baby’s gender will be, but if it’s a girl, the ovaries are developing.

11. At 5th week of pregnancy, the baby has distinctive human characteristics: hands and feet in front of his body, ears that have almost taken their final shape, open nasal passages at the tip of his small nose, a tongue and palate appear in the mouth.

Hair roots are formed on the rest of the body, not just on the crown. What else makes your baby look human? These hands and feet have separate fingers and toes.

Meanwhile, nail and toenail beds are starting to develop this week; In the next few weeks, the nails themselves will start to come out, so be sure to add baby nail clippers to your list of items to buy.

Is your stomach grumbling?

You may be feeling a little hungrier these days. This is a sign that your morning sickness is waning and your appetite is increasing to help nourish your body and your baby. But don’t overdo it just because you’re eating for two. Try to gain weight efficiently by choosing the most nutritious foods and minimizing junk food during pregnancy. A sign of pregnancy at 11 weeks, your lower abdomen is probably starting to protrude a bit. Still, you probably don’t look pregnant and more like you’re overdoing it on donuts.

Bloating and burping

Even if your stomach is still as flat as a plank, all women start to show at different times and as you will learn, they all look different. You’re probably noticing that your jeans don’t button without difficulty. But what’s good for the baby isn’t always good for the mother. Especially after the 11th week of pregnancy mom changes, the uncomfortable fullness you feel in your tummy will only get worse for some women. As your uterus grows, it fills the stomach and intestines, putting more pressure on the digestive system, making you feel even more bloated.

Here’s some consolation:

Your baby will not feel your pain. In fact, your baby is unaware of all your intestinal discomfort and may even be soothed by the roar of your stomach symphony. Nutrition at 11th week of pregnancy, Minimize bloating and gas by grazing instead of avoiding notorious gas producers such as beans, fried foods, soda and sweets.

11. Week Pregnancy Symptoms

Frequent urination

You can blame the pregnancy hormone hCG, which increases blood flow to the pelvic area and kidneys, for making you feel the need to urinate almost all the time. However, don’t be inclined to reduce your fluid intake, as you and your baby-to-be need to stay hydrated. Instead, cut back on caffeinated drinks. It just increases your need to pee.

Breast tenderness and changes

Your enlarged breasts may be an arousal for your partner, but your sore breasts are a distraction for you. Warn your partner about your extra sensitive breasts and that you may not be ready for lovemaking or even heavy-duty hugs.

Nausea and vomiting

Do you still feel “morning sickness” morning, noon and night? Do not despair. You’ll probably only have a week or two of nausea left, and most moms-to-be will experience nausea at 12-14 weeks. It lasts for weeks.

Bloating and gas

How can your belly feel so swollen when your fetus is still only 2 inches long? The progesterone in your system has caused your gastrointestinal tract to relax, which slows down digestion and makes you feel bloated.

Fainting or dizziness

Your body is not producing enough blood to fill your expanding circulatory system, which can cause dizziness and fainting. In Week 11, prevent dizziness by lying down and elevating your feet above heart level to increase blood pressure in your body. If that’s not an option, sit down and put your head between your knees and breathe deeply.

Images Source: https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/11-weeks-pregnant

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